Friday, July 29, 2011

Chocolate chip world...

There is nothing that sets you right like a chocolate chip cookie and these Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies are no exception to that rule. Chocolate is one of those substances that I just can't seem to get enough of in it's various forms and making these cookies was just as much a joy and pleasure as eating them.

I've been craving more recipes lately for chocolate and think I might try my hand at a few different approaches to chocolate. I found paraffin wax yesterday while checking out the baking aisle at the grocery store and think I'm going to buy some soon to make bonbons.

I like chocolate chips because they are easy to use in many ways and you can better control the amount you use. For my cookies I tend to use only have of what the recipes call for because I like to see the chips evenly spread out and it's nice to get two batches out of one package.

I think today I may make some brownies for another post!

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